Submitted by Taps Coogan on the 2nd of October 2018 to The Sounding Line.
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The National Alliance Securities’ Andy Brenner recently spoke with CNBC’s Rick Santellito to discuss what the new US-Mexico-Canada trade deal will mean for China.
Santelli Exchange: Isolating China from CNBC.
Andy Brenner:
“It puts a lot of pressure on China. Over the weekend we saw a continuing weakening in Chinese economic numbers and I think the Chinese are really starting to hurt here. So the President is winning the early battles of the war with China and I think that is very important… This will encourage the President to pursue his current China strategy.
Rick Santelli:
“…Many if the complaints, and rightfully so, were that it was a bit messy and if your goal as President, and this administration, was to isolate China, they could have done it more efficiently. In hindsight, as messy as it was, I think the pressure on China, considering both Mexico and Canada and to some extent Europe have capitulated, just raises the bar in ways that should be ‘advantage’ US…”
Andy Brenner:
“There is no question and this is coming at a bad time for China because their economy was slowing down anyway. Now I think (this) is going to just going to accelerate it and you are starting to see the Chinese ease, and change reserve requirements, and starting to put money in, and speed up infrastructure investment… The Chinese will slow walk (negotiations) until they see the results of the Midterms and then I think they will continue to slow walk it…”
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The fact that China has not been fair in trading with America is a major reason to strengthen ties with those closer to home. A very strong strategic dimension exists for NAFTA and when President Reagan fathered and endorsed the concept decades ago he recognized the need to create a powerful regional trade bloc to compete in a changing global economy. More of why working with Canada and Mexico is smarter than letting China eat our lunch.