Submitted by Taps Coogan on the 2nd of February 20202 to The Sounding Line
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The Sounding Line was founded in early 2016, just as the Brexit referendum campaign was coming into full swing. Accordingly, many of the earliest articles that we published here (and many of the most popular to this day) pertained to the various economic dynamics of the EU and the UK.
As the years passed and the intrigue surrounding Brexit became increasingly focused on the endless machinations of the British and EU Parliaments, we largely stopped writing articles on the subject.
While the Brexit story is still far from over (virtually nothing has been agreed about the final nature of the relationship), the UK is officially now not in the EU. To mark that occasion, we share the following video-map of the history of the EU, updated as of February 1st, 2020, from YouTube creator EmperorTigerstar.
As the following chart from highlights, with the UK now out, the EU’s population has officially shrunk 13%, its economy has shrunk 15%, and it has lost 12% of its budget financing.

Whether you supported Brexit or not, the UK has finally secured a truly rare opportunity to establish more competitive and modern economic policy, dynamic trade relations, and safeguards against bureaucratic overreach. Whether they actually do so is now the paramount question. Let’s hope.
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