Map of the Day: China’s Provinces Rival Countries in Population Size
China’s population is expected to begin to decline in the mid 2020s, at which time India will overtake it as the world’s most populous country
China’s population is expected to begin to decline in the mid 2020s, at which time India will overtake it as the world’s most populous country
New Zealand has taken the top spot for the last three years in a row
The changing borders of the various civilizations of Scandinavia from the Kingdom of Gothia, through the Viking Age, until the modern Day
The endangered and extinct languages of Europe
“States like Rhode Island (-12.0%), Connecticut (-11.7%) and New Jersey (-10.0%) similarly remain below their pre-recession levels”
“Demographic research suggests that at the beginning of the 19th century no country in the world had a life expectancy over 40 years”
“If you added up all the money of every billionaire in the world, you’d have about $8.9 trillion in wealth”
The Hapsburgs came to dominate the Holy Roman Empire, the Duchy of Burgundy, and the Spanish Empire for hundreds of years
“Humans have converted ~12% of the earth’s ice-free land surface area to grow crops, fuel, and fiber, and ~22% for grazing”
The rise and fall of a succession of Central American civilizations lasting over one thousand years