Map: Every Other Day of the American Revolution
From the Battle of Lexington to the surrender of the British forces at Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris
From the Battle of Lexington to the surrender of the British forces at Yorktown and the signing of the Treaty of Paris
“I totally believe that nobody has a clue what’s going on”
“The so-called excess reserves held at the Fed are not excess at all”
It is the failure of monetary policy to create robust economic growth that is creating the perception that the national debt doesn’t matter
‘Turns out, the negative interest rate policy bankrupts savings institutions’
‘Markets are so drugged on low interest rates and easy money that any disappointment on cutting rates immediately results in equities going down’
From Clovis I, shortly after the collapse of the Roman Empire in 481 AD, to current President Emmanuel Macron
When you have a bailout guarantee, all news is either good news or unimportant
“Whatever is on that balance sheet at the ECB, they will meld it into a Euro-Bond”
We are to believe that, this time, the stimulus programs have nothing to do with monetizing the national debt