Map: Birth’s per Woman for Every Country Since 1950
Fertility rates are lower today than they were in the 1950s in virtually every on Earth
Fertility rates are lower today than they were in the 1950s in virtually every on Earth
“We may come out of this period of trade conflict with trade relationships that are modernized and less problematic”
Speaking of a National Emergency
Huawei’s P20 Lite phone was the best selling phone in Germany in Q3 2018
One theme that has maintained true throughout our various comparisons of economic growth is just how weak the economies of Southern Europe are
Europe is the world’s oldest continent, with an median age of 42
“Central banks have done us no favors by snuffing out the lights that guided us to sensible investment decisions”
“The national debt would grow at around a 10% annual rate if we go into a normal average type of recession”
Massive growth in entitlement programs, off budget spending, and the interest expense on the national debt has reached a point where they consume 100% of tax revenue
“They’ve printed like it’s a national past-time. They’ve embarrassed the US, Japan, and Europe on the printing side”