Marc Sumerlin: Press too Negative on US-China Trade Meeting
It should be eminently easy to clarify the confusion
It should be eminently easy to clarify the confusion
“States like Rhode Island (-12.0%), Connecticut (-11.7%) and New Jersey (-10.0%) similarly remain below their pre-recession levels”
“The mindset of the market is looking for the ‘Bernanke Put.’ It’s looking for the ‘Yellen Put.’ So, it will take any signal and run with it…”
I can’t image that going well once it started to collapse…
“Known reserves of oil are in decline, and continue to decline, except for fracking”
“Demographic research suggests that at the beginning of the 19th century no country in the world had a life expectancy over 40 years”
“We need to reverse some of the quicksand that the markets are standing upon”
Canaletto – 1732
“If you added up all the money of every billionaire in the world, you’d have about $8.9 trillion in wealth”