Taps Coogan – October 14th, 2020
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One of the websites that I enjoy reading has been Rice Farmer. For a long time, I have wanted to reach out to Rice Farmer and thank him or her for so diligently sharing interesting reads nearly every day for what must be close to a decade, but I have never been able to find an email or contact info to do so.
For the last few days the site has been down. I have no clue who Rice Farmer is or why the site is down. Hopefully, the author is fine. It would be a real loss if the site joins the growing list of independent sites that have closed up shop in recent years.
Do any readers happen to know the backstory?
Whatever the case may be. Thanks.
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Update at bottom claims he’s taking a break.
Thanks for the info and glad to hear he’s ok. I’m amazed he’d been going that long, massive time investment
I dont beleive it. How isthat possible ? why delete if he is just off for few days, he can publish that itself right ? is he really al right? or and who is this guy? its suspicious