Taps Coogan – June 11th, 2022
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A Wall Street Journal-NORC Poll has been asking Americans how they feel about their financial situation since 1972. The latest results are easily the worst on record.
Just 14% of respondents reported satisfaction with their current financial situation, by far the lowest reading ever, and less than half the number in 2018 (the last pre-Covid data point).

Just 27% of respondents felt that people like themselves had a good chance of improving their standard of living, down from 65% in 2018 and the worst reading on record by far.

83% of respondents felt that the economy was “poor or not so good.” When it comes to polling Americans, 83% agreement about something is as close to total unanimity of opinion as one is ever going to find.

Americans are discovering that printing trillions of dollars and handing it out to everyone willy-nilly during a supply shock didn’t actually make us all instantly wealthier, quite the opposite.
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Peace agreement in Ukraine and lifting sanctions would change outlook dramatically.
Doubt it. The problem is congress spending too much and the Fed printing too much money. Inflation was already out of control before Russia invaded.
Inflation has been out of control for decades but as long as it went into the stock market and RE markets it was a “good thing” and now a “starter home” where i live is $1,000,000
Peace agreement on Ukraine isn’t happening