Submitted by Taps Coogan on the 31st of October 2019 to The Sounding Line.
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The following map, from, shows the countries of the world scaled according to their millionaire population, based on data from the 2019 Global Wealth Databook by Credit Suisse. Every dot on the map represents 1,000 millionaires.

The United States has the most millionaires in the world (18.6 million), over four times more than second-place China (4.4 million). After China comes Japan with just over 3 million millionaires, the United Kingdom with 2.4 million millionaires, and Germany with 2.1 million millionaires. While North America, Western Europe, and East Asia all have large millionaire populations, Africa and South America have very few. Only Colombia, Chile, and South Africa had sufficient populations to be represent in the map.
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